24/7 Ambulance & Emergency Services

Outpatient Clinic: Mon - Fri: 8am to 5pm | Sat: 8am to 1pm

In-Patient Information

Visiting Hours for In-Patients

Morning 06:30hrs – 7:30hrs
Midday 11:30hrs – 12:30hrs
Afternoon 15:00hrs – 16:00hrs

Important Rules:
  1. Only two visitors are allowed per patient per visiting hour
  2. Children below 12 years of age are not allowed in the hospital unless they are patients.
  3. Only two persons are allowed per visiting hour in the ICU. However, only one person can enter at a time.
  4. The hospital reserves the right to not treat unruly patients.
  5. The hospital will not be held responsible for any money, jewellery or other valuables that patients have in their possession.
  6. The hospital is a smoke free zone; smoking is strictly prohibited anywhere in the hospital or its premises
  7. All weapons are prohibited on the hospital premises.

Our patients are provided with appropriate and complimentary meals, catered for by our own kitchen.


We kindly request that patients not have valuables, jewellery, cash, cellular phones, etc, while admitted in the hospital. Please hand these over to your relatives for safekeeping.

Hospital Fees

All patients are required to make a deposit before admission. The amount that is required to be deposited will vary depending on the nature of treatment. Please check with the accounts department and ensure a deposit is made before proceeding with admission.

Additionally, patients are advised that their family must check daily with the accounts department for an update with respect to their hospital fees.


Patients should note that once a discharge is advised, they must allow some time for their discharge medications to be dispensed, and the billing to be completed.

A discharge will usually be completed around midday, once the processing of the discharge has started before 10am.


It is our duty to provide complete and accurate information to our patients regarding their medication, present condition and any other matters pertaining to the patient’s health.

A signed consent form will be obtained from patients or their relatives, before performing any procedure, administration of anaesthesia, etc.

The Responsibilities of a Patient
  • To provide complete and accurate information regarding their past and present illnesses, medications, hospitalizations and any other matters relating to their health.
  • To provide accurate information regarding their full name, address  and to submit a proof of identity.
  • To abide by hospital rules and regulations.
  • To treat other patients, visitors and staff with courtesy and respect.
  • To sign a “Discharge against Medical Advice” form, if they insist on leaving before being advised to do so.
  • To be aware of their insurance coverage, and related policies regarding their payments, etc.
  • To ask more questions if they do not understand any detail provided by a doctor, or other member of their healthcare team, and to inform the doctor if they think there may be any problem in the prescribed treatment.
A Patient’s Rights at Dr. Balwant Singh’s Hospital

Right to Quality Care.  The patient has the right to care that is timely, considerate,  respectful and in accordance with reasonably expected professional standards of care.

Right to Information. The patient has the right to relevant, current and understandable information regarding their diagnosis, treatment and prognosis. This information can be obtained from their physicians and other direct caregivers. The patient also has the right to information about the name and qualifications of their treating doctors, nurses and others involved in their care.

Right to Discuss Procedures and Treatment. The patient has the right to discuss and ask questions relating to all procedures and treatment, as well as the risks involved, the possible length of recuperation, the medically reasonable alternatives, and their accompanying risks and benefits.

Right to Know the Cost of Treatment. The patient has the right to know the immediate and long-term financial implications of treatment choices, insofar as they are reasonably known.

Right to Consent. The patient has the right to give or withhold their consent for any proposed treatment.

Right to Make Decisions. The patient has the right to be involved in the decisions regarding their line of care, prior to and during the course of the treatment, unless the need for treatment is urgent, and the patient lacks the capacity to make the decision. Patients with an altered mental status because of alcohol, drugs, brain injury, medical or psychiatric illness may not be able to make a competent decision; then the patient may need to have a person legally appointed to make medical decisions. The patient also has the right to an advance directive(such as living will, health care proxy, or durable power of attorney for health care), which states their wishes regarding medical treatment in the event of mental incompetency or an inability to communicate.

Right to Refuse Treatment. The patient has the right to refuse the recommended line of treatment, and to be informed of the medical consequences of this action. Should the patient refuse the recommended line of treatment, the patient is still entitled to appropriate care and services that the hospital provides, to the extent permitted by law and hospital policy.

Right to Confidentiality. The patient has the right to expect that all healthcare information will be treated as confidential by the hospital. Information regarding the patient’s health and treatment can only be disclosed with the consent of the patient. However, confidentiality can be subject to certain exceptions because of legal, ethical and social considerations, such as cases of suspected abuse, public health hazards and when patients are at risk of harming themselves or others.

Right to Privacy. The patient has the right to every consideration of privacy. Case discussions, consultations, examinations, investigative procedures, and treatment are all conducted in  a manner to protect the privacy of the patient.

Right to Review Records. The patient has to right to review the records pertaining to their medical care at the hospital and to have the information explained or interpreted as necessary, except when this is restricted by law.

Right to Continuity of Care. The patient has the right to expect that their physician will cooperate in coordinating medically indicated care with other health care professionals, and that the physician will not discontinue treating them when further treatment is medically indicated without giving them sufficient notice and reasonable assistance in making alternative arrangements for their care. When medically appropriate and legally permissible, or when a patient has so requested, a patient may be transferred to another facility. The institution to which the patient is to be transferred must first have accepted the patient for transfer. The patient must also have the benefit of complete information and explanation concerning the need for, risk, benefits and alternatives to such a transfer.