24/7 Ambulance & Emergency Services

We are the only private centre with full time Nephrologist services.

Bringing new life into this world is a beautiful and one of the most important things a person can experience.

We are the only centre in Guyana to provide IVF services and intrauterine insemination services ..

We provide both interventional and non-interventional cardiology.

Our lab is accredited by the United States accrediting body to ISO:15189, and the accrediting body is A2LA,

We provide trauma services, as well as joint replacements and arthroscopies, with our full time orthopedic surgeon.

We provide specialists ophthalmology services such as phaco emulsification services for Cataracts

We offer all major modalities such as ultrasonography, 1.5 T MRI, 16 slice CT scan, X-rays and fully equipped 24 hour lab service.

We have doctors specially trained in intensive care and emergency medicine, providing these services, along with routine care of chronic diseases…